Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Will Discipline Your Child!

Let me start off by saying that I'm not some freaky animal activist and I don't go around getting in others business like it's my own. Far from it. But lately I've noticed some neighborhood kids doing really mean things to, particularly, cats. And thats not cool with me. It's just not how I role. Ya digg?!

So earlier this week I noticed a couple of little girls chasing a cat and throwing rocks at it. No cool but I didn't say anything because the cat took off and the girls went in the opposite direction.

Yesterday... I ran my dog outside to pee and while outside I saw three little girls hanging out next door. A cat walks up and they scare it off. Ok. Whatever. But then... One of the little girls walks over to a neighbors yard where the cat is minding his own business and picks it up. Being a little girl once myself I figured she felt bad for being mean and went to make amends. I'm still watching as she carries the cat over to the other little girls to show them her new friend. And then it happens. She holds this cat out from her over a hole in the ground. Something resembling a deep ditch/small well and just... lets... go.

WHAT?!?!?!?!? Poor kitty!

The Whoop Ass Syndrome kicks in and I yell at those girls like they come from my own bussom. I was ready to take off the belt and wear their hind-ends out. I have never seen little girls be so mean. (Let me remind you, I have no kids of my own so they could all be this way and I'm just clueless.) One of the girls' mother was outside and heard me saying my peace. She didn't interupt or even know what was going on but pretty much figured it out by the time I was done. But deep down I really did want her to butt in. I wanted to let these parents know that their daughters are hellions that act like angels. I wanted to give a live demonstration of how to properly whoop a child. I think I scared the girls pretty good so hopefully I won't see any more animal cruelty going on. Although I'm pretty sure I'm now dubbed the 'MEAN LADY' of the neighborhood.

So tell me folks... Was I right or was I wrong to step in and take charge? Isn't that what I'm suppose to do now that I've gained the 'adult' title? And are all kids really this mean? Let me know!

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