Thursday, November 25, 2010

~Counting My Blessings~

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our lives that we tend to overlook our blessings, no matter how small. It's important take a step back and reflect on all the positive things in life. So this Thanksgiving I'm counting my blessings and sharing them with you.
My husband and I have been trying to start a family of our own for a few years now without any luck. Although it's emotionally draining I know that I am still blessed. I love my husband and I know he loves me just as much if not more. We have an unbreakable bond. So whether or not we have children, I know that my husband is and always will be MY family. I will always give thanks for this every day of my life.
At times I may complain and whine about my job but I know I am blessed to have it. There are so many people who aren't lucky enough to have a full time job with decent wages. This job helps provide for myself and my husband. So no matter now aggravated I get I know that I'm one of the lucky one's. I'm truly thankful for this.
I am blessed to have wonderful family and friends that I can talk to and be myself around. Nothing beats quality time every now and again. It's makes me feel revived and connected. So my family and friends are truly a blessing.
Ruby, my dog, has become more of a blessing to me than I would have ever thought possible. Every day she makes me laugh. She shows me 100% loyalty and when she looks at me, I see nothing but love. She's my little girl. I know God blessed me when He brought Ruby into my life.
Last but most certainly not least... My Father.
I've been through some rough times this year between surgery and my husband being out of state for three months (work related). My dad has been there every step of the way. He has cooked my meals, fixed household problems, fenced in my yard, took care of me and Ruby... The list goes on and on. No matter what, I know that if I were to call my dad he would be there without question. His love and loyalty to his children is unmatched and I love him so much for it. He would give his last dollar if he knew I needed it. God really broke the mold when he made my dad. I'm more then blessed that I have him as my father.
I have so many more blessings in my life that I have not mentioned. But just because I have not shared them with you doesn't mean that they are any less important. It's your turn. Share with me your blessings. I'd love to hear them.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hosted by: The UnMom

If you've read my previous posts then you should know how this works. Put your random thoughts in a blog post, click the above box and link up with the rest of the random thinkers. I look forward to reading your randomness.

A friend of mine just told me that she's pregnant. Although I am extremely happy for her I'm also mad at her. Does that make since? No? Let me give you the fast version. She's got a kid already and I've been trying to have a baby for years. I'm actually having my fourth round of in-vetro Wednesday. *crossing fingers* So although I'm ecstatic for her fortune, I'm sad because of my misfortune. I mean seriously, how bitter do I sound?

Two and a Half Men is crazy funny. The hubby and I are LOL.

How corny is it that I want to see Tangled? Cause I really, really, really do. I'm such a Disney dork.

I'm thinking about fostering a dog for the holidays. The problem... The last time I fostered a dog I wound up adopting her. I don't need another dog to take care of. 

Thanksgiving isn't here yet but I'm already over it and looking forward to Christmas. I just want to decorate. 

When did I become so old? Here lately the hubby has wanted to go out and I just want to sit at home. I know I'm being a downer but jeesh... I just don't want to go out all weekend long anymore. 

OK folks, that's enough randomness for now. My brain is fried from all the infertility pills I have to take.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday 6

(Saturday 6 is hosted by the lovely Boobies & The Zombie Housewife.)

The Zombie Housewife has a new button so grab it and show some blog love.

Each week, you will answer six random questions and link up! This Saturday Six's theme is movies, so grab your popcorn and lets begin!

1. What's the last movie you watched in a movie theater?
2. Share some movies with us that are guaranteed to make you cry.
3. What's your personal favorite movie genre?
4. What's the last flick you watched?
5. Give us your top 5 favorite movies.
6. Now tell us some of your most hated...

~My Answers~

1. What's the last movie you watched in a movie theater?
A friend of mine (AllThingsVeronica) and I went to see The Last Exorcism. It was a complete waste of money. We both agreed it was one of the stupidest movies we have ever seen. When we should have been scared we were laughing. So were the other occupants in the theatre. I do not recommend it.

2. Share some movies with us that are guaranteed to make you cry.
I cry every time watching The Notebook, P.S. I Love You, and The Blind Side. Great movies!

3. What's your personal favorite movie genre?
I flippin love chic flicks but I also enjoy comedy. Horror used to be my fav but for some reason as I get older the less I want to watch it. Especially the classic horror movies.

4. What's the last flick you watched?
This past weekend I watched Robin Hood (with Russell Crowe) and Iron Man 2. They were both good movies.

5. Give us your top 5 favorite movies.
In no particular order: Pretty Woman, The Notebook, Dirty Dancing, Enough and P.S. I Love You. I told you I loved chic flicks.

6. Now tell us some of your most hated...
I hate movies like the last one I saw at the movie theatre which are fake paranormal movies. Some that fall into that category are Paranormal Activity (1 & 2), Blair Which Project, The Last Exorcism, etc.

Ok movie buffs it's your turn. Post your own blog and link up with us.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fawk You Friday

BWS tips button
(Click here and link up with the party)

FAWK YOU dear husband of mine! I'm cooking your supper and cleaning house at the same time and you have the nerve to tell me to do the dishes while I'm at it. Dude?! Did you really just ask me to throw a punch to your ball-bag and drop you like it's hot? When I've worked all day, took the dog to the dog park, took you to the shop to check on your car, come home and cook you dinner and clean the house DO NOT tell me to do something else. Get your ass in the kitchen and do it yourself. Don't make me chop off that lovely winkie of yours and let the dog play with it, CAUSE I WILL! Your so not getting laid tonight buster.

FAWK YOU nosey neighbor! You're the nosiest person I know. I get it. But do you really find it necessary to let me know whenever my dog has an eye-booger that needs to be wiped? An eye-booger. Really?! IT'S JUST A FAWKING EYE-BOOGER!!! I don't need your random email, a knock on the door or a damned phone call. Geesh!
(A picture of my Ruby for your enjoyment.)

FAWK YOU insurance company! To make a long story short my husband and I have issues when it comes to having babies. Basically, it's just not happening. So we are seeking professional help and I'll be damned if my insurance threw up the bird and said a double "Fawk You" to me. They refuse to help pay for any of it. This Friday I'm having an HSG done and Wednesday & Thursday we are doing our 4th round of in-vetro. Do you know how much this costs? I could have feed a small third world country for all the money I'm blowing out of my ass. So again, FAWK YOU insurance company. You could at least throw a sister a bone. Damn.

FAWK YOU non-driving idiots! Stop signs and red lights are in place for a reason. Running them will cause you to crash into me. And if you crash into me I will jump out of my car and beat the fawk out of you. Don't try me!

FAWK YOU furlough day! Although I do quite enjoy being off work on a weekday (especially a Friday) I lose a days worth of pay and THAT SUCKS! I have bills bitches!

Last but definately not least...

FAWK YOU girly bits! I'm trying to have a baby here. The last thing I need is you fawking up on me and causing me issues. Get it together or get out.

That's all for this Friday folks. Have a fawking awesome weekend.
Fawk You Friday is hosted by Boobies, Babies & a Blog. Link up and join in on the finger waving fiesta.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You

Thank You… It’s a word that expresses appreciation, kindness, and manners. It’s a word I seldom hear used now days.

I was taught to be grateful for what you have, value your belongings, and show appreciation to others. So I’ve always used the words Thank You. When someone opens a door for me, “Thank You” is my response. When someone hands me food through the drive thru window, “Thank You” with a smile is my reply. When my husband takes me out to dinner, “Thank You” is what I say to let him know that I hold value in his kindness.

What has happened to today’s people?

I see so many people who take and not give. Who walk around with sour faces and expects the world to cater to them. I see people who act like everything is owed to them and they don’t have to give anything back.

It's sad.

Sad because I feel like so many people have lost the ability to be kind to others. So the next time someone does something for you, say Thank You. No matter how small the act.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Halloween 2010

I know Halloween has passed but this pic of my nephew was too cute not to share. He's posing with a skeleton in my front yard. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hosted by: The UnMom

Put your random thoughts in a blog post, click the above box and link up with the rest of the random thinkers.

I don't find pleasure in watching stupid movies that my hubby finds hilarious. But I watch them anyways for him. That's love I tell ya.

Carry Underwood! I wanna kick your ass! Your song has been in my head for two days now. It's time to stop. Thank you.

I'm just gonna put it out there, Gerard Butler is so friggin hawt! YUM! (That one was for the ladies.)

I don't like cooked broccoli. I wish my hubby would stop trying to force it down my throat. I'm not 2 yrs old.

I keep thinking about Thanksgiving. I really hope it's not busy this year. I would like to start enjoying my Holidays rather than run around like a chicken with my head cut off.

I'm tired of looking at my living room. I wanna change it, again. Wonder if the hubby will get mad? Oh well. I'm a girl. I'm allowed to do these things.

My husband just asked me to throw him a punch to the ball-bag. Not in so many words but still... I'm pretty sure that's what I heard. More about that on my Fawk You Friday post so stayed tuned.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday 6

BWS tips button
Each week, you will answer six random questions and link up! This Saturday Six's theme is birthdays, so lets begin!


1. Do you still celebrate your birthday?
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
3. Craziest thing you've ever done for your birthday?
4. What's your sign?
5. Best present you've ever gotten on your special day?
6. Worst gift?
~My Answers~

1. Do you still celebrate your birthday?
My birthday was in October. And yes I do. My hubby never lets me forget it.

2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
I'm not a huge cake eater but I do think Dairy Queen's ice cream cake with the chocolate crunchies in the middle are yum-yum. Last year a friend of mine baked me a pink cake with pink icing and I love that too.

3. Craziest thing you've ever done for your birthday?
Craziest??? Why is nothing coming to mind? Other then that one time when I went to the bar and got so drunk I don't remember leaving? Hmmm... I don't get too crazy.

4. What's your sign?
Libra. I'm very level-headed.

5. Best present you've ever gotten on your special day?
All my presents have been wonderful. But one really sticks out to me. I was 16 and the only gift I received was a ring from my now husband. It was my sweet 16 and I was so upset that I was forgotten but then he showed up and made it all better. Besides my wedding band set, it's the most sentimental piece of jewelry that I own.

6. Worst gift?
I would have to say... Probably fake jewelry. I always accept it because politeness is very important but I'm VERY allergic to it. I can't wear it for very long without itching, burning and rashes breaking out over my skin. It's like I'm a vampire doused with Holy Water.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fawk You Friday!

BWS tips button

Fawk You Friday is brought to us by Boobies, Babies & a Blog and My Mad Mind

Fawk You Friday is a therapeutic way to whine, rant, complain, piss and moan about anything that's bothering you. Each Friday, link up with Boobies, Babies & a Blog to share your Fawk You complaints. I want to see you throw a finger in the air every Friday with me!
You know what absolutely grates against my ass? An office snitch. Lady, your triple my age. Why must you constantly go to my supervisor and tell her when me or anyone else in the office is having a conversation? Are you that lonely and pathetic that you must seek attention by making enemies? You would think that after years of working together you would realize that playing nice with others will benefit you vs. making you the office Nazi. You are responsible for other people getting into trouble yet always play the victim. And it's not like your work performance is top notch. Your so scatter-brained you never do the same thing the same way. If I wasn't afraid of being reprimanded than believe me I would have already delivered a throat punch to your jugular. So instead I'm posting a blog about it and I'm screaming a big FAWK YOU!!!
Family... I seriously wonder if I'm even related to half of them. I've worked since before I graduated high school. Everything I have I have worked my ass off to get. I appreciate my life and my possessions because of the sacrifices I've had to make to have a better life for myself and my husband. Who (my hubby) by the way works even harder then me to make sure we keep our nice comfy home over our heads. And for this reason certain family members seem to think I have money coming out of my ass and that they are obligated to it. Mind you, they don't work, don't try to work and don't bother paying me back half the time. What makes them entitled to MY hard earned money? I'm ready to say Fawk You and have nothing else to do with them. The least they could do is call me to wish me a Happy Birthday or to check to see if I'm still breathing. But NOOOO... I only get a phone call when money is involved. So from now on my answer is NO and FAWK YOU!
This is my first Fawk You Friday post and I hope I didn't disappoint. And honestly, it IS therapeutic. I think I'll enjoy Friday posts from now on.

And a special shout out to Marvi Marti. We don't know each other very well but since I've discovered her blog I've been inspired to write more of my own. So THANK YOU Marti!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Semi-Wordless Wednesday

These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago in the mountains of the Smokeys.
A pretty stream.
This was taken the the Forbbiden Caves where Moon Shine use to be made. 
 A beautiful waterfall.
 One of many scenic overlooks.
Another scenic overlook.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hosted by: The UnMom

Put your random thoughts in a blog post, click the above box and link up with the rest of the random thinkers today.

This is my first Random Tuesday Thoughts posts. So like it! Or hate it. Just don't hurt my feelings too bad.

I'm like a crack-whore feigning for her next fix when it comes to reality t.v. I mean, who wouldn't want to see Ronnie smashing other girls and then climbing in the bed with Sammie when he gets home? Or The Situation trying to steal his home boys girls? How about Amber from 16 & Pregnant throwing a fist into her boyfriends face because he was leaving, yet again? The list goes on folks. For some reason other people's miserable lives makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But I think my hubby is ready to get the cable turned off over it. I better start hiding my habit. Isn't that what addicts do?

Would someone PLEASE come clean my house! I'm a working wife who comes home to cooking, cleaning, laundry, taking care of the dog and... and... and... Does it ever end? Geesh!

I'm 28 years old. Why am I just now starting to get acne? This sucks.

My husband has been in bed since 8:00 pm. Again, this sucks. But in all fairness, he does have to get up at 4 in the morning. But still...

OK, that's it for now. It's 9:30 and all I can think about at the moment is laying down beside my hubby and falling asleep to the whimsical sound of his snoring.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Five Things - Take 4

Every Friday I post 5 Things You Didn't Know About Me. It's alot of fun and maybe a little disturbing but it's a way for my readers to get to know me. Here are my five things for this Friday!

1. I like to sing karaoke.

2. I get embarrassed when given compliments.

3. When I grow up I want to be a Teacher, Fashion Designer, Computer Tech geek, Architect, Super Model, Actress, Navy Seal and most importantly, a Mommy.

4. Most of my socks are white. (With a exceptions)

5. My dream vacations would be Scotland, Ireland, and Italy. A girl can dream, right?!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Five Things - Take 3

My good friend Veronica over at All Things Veronica has been doing these posts called “Five Things for Friday”. Each week you post 5 random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself and post your link on twitter (@jessa_lee82) and/or Facebook. I thought this was a neat idea on getting to know others so I decided to join in the fun. This is my third post!

See my five things for this Friday!
1. I am artistic, creative and love crafts. These are things I want to share with my children (once I have them that it).
2. Im terrified of heights but I will do just about anything for an adrenaline rush.
3. I don't have any tattoos. (But I secretly want one)
4. I can easily tell if someone has given me fake jewelry because I break out into a rash that lasts for days. Fake earrings? Forget it! My ears will bleed from my tiny ear-holes. I use to be able to wear silver but now it's strickly gold.
5. I taught myself how to french-braid hair when I was about 9-10 years old. I use to practice on my Barbie dolls hair.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Five Things - Take 2

Ok, so last Friday I posted my first 5 Things You Didn't Know About Me. Which is actually alot of fun considering I have to dig deep to figure out what to reveal and you get to read it.
Here are my five things for this Friday!

  1. Hello! My name is Jessica and I'm a Book-a-holic. Yes folks, I LOVE to read. There's nothing like cracking open a book and discovering the story within.

  2. I don't like cheesecake. Yuck!

  3. My perfect date night is take-out and a rented movie. Nothing beats cuddling on the couch with someone you love.

  4. Lately I've had an obsession with Vampires. (It's a girl thing) I love reading books that have to do with them.

  5. Sometimes I find it creepy when I look up and my dog is staring at me. What is she thinking? Does she like me? Do I have a booger? I guess I will never know.
Feel free to leave a comment/link with your 5 Things. I'd like to get to know you more.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Five Things - Take 1

My good friend Veronica over at All Things Veronica has been doing these posts called “Five Things for Friday”. Each week you post 5 random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself and post your link on twitter (@jessa_lee82) and/or Facebook. I thought this was a neat idea on getting to know others so I decided to join in the fun. This is my first post!

See my five things for this Friday!
  1. Im obsessed with washing my hands. I go through hand soap because I'm constantly thinking about what I touched and who touched it before me.
  2. I love the smell of fresh out-of-the-dryer laundry.
  3. I'm a romantic at heart and I believe that fairy tales do come true.
  4. My favorite Holiday is by far Thanksgiving. The food man... THE FOOD!
  5. I forgive but I don't forget.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I've Turned A New Leaf

OK, so maybe I haven't actually 'turned' a new leaf yet. I'd say 'peaking' under a new leaf would better fit the bill.

I decided a long time ago that I needed to be more active when it comes to exercise. I've done things here and there and got into Zumba (which I love). But because my husband and I are taking measures to start a family of our own Zumba is a little bit too rigorous for me. So what's next that I can fit into my schedule?

I'm a Twitter/Facebook junkie. And for awhile now a couple of people have really started to inspire me with their daily routines, so it hits me. I can sleep deprive myself, get up before the ass-crack-of-dawn and walk the neighborhood. Yes folks, it's the exercise that's been around since before the creation of man-kind. But for me it's taking away those few precious moments of true bliss when my husband is off to work and I can spread out in the bed for some real r&r.

I'm hoping I can catch on to this early morning routine. Because if @whyisdaddycrying can do it then so...can...I. For those of you who think your posts really don't amount to a hill of beans then your wrong. Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. I just happen to get it from the people I follow. Plus the dog really enjoys it.

What inspires you? Let me know.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Will Discipline Your Child!

Let me start off by saying that I'm not some freaky animal activist and I don't go around getting in others business like it's my own. Far from it. But lately I've noticed some neighborhood kids doing really mean things to, particularly, cats. And thats not cool with me. It's just not how I role. Ya digg?!

So earlier this week I noticed a couple of little girls chasing a cat and throwing rocks at it. No cool but I didn't say anything because the cat took off and the girls went in the opposite direction.

Yesterday... I ran my dog outside to pee and while outside I saw three little girls hanging out next door. A cat walks up and they scare it off. Ok. Whatever. But then... One of the little girls walks over to a neighbors yard where the cat is minding his own business and picks it up. Being a little girl once myself I figured she felt bad for being mean and went to make amends. I'm still watching as she carries the cat over to the other little girls to show them her new friend. And then it happens. She holds this cat out from her over a hole in the ground. Something resembling a deep ditch/small well and just... lets... go.

WHAT?!?!?!?!? Poor kitty!

The Whoop Ass Syndrome kicks in and I yell at those girls like they come from my own bussom. I was ready to take off the belt and wear their hind-ends out. I have never seen little girls be so mean. (Let me remind you, I have no kids of my own so they could all be this way and I'm just clueless.) One of the girls' mother was outside and heard me saying my peace. She didn't interupt or even know what was going on but pretty much figured it out by the time I was done. But deep down I really did want her to butt in. I wanted to let these parents know that their daughters are hellions that act like angels. I wanted to give a live demonstration of how to properly whoop a child. I think I scared the girls pretty good so hopefully I won't see any more animal cruelty going on. Although I'm pretty sure I'm now dubbed the 'MEAN LADY' of the neighborhood.

So tell me folks... Was I right or was I wrong to step in and take charge? Isn't that what I'm suppose to do now that I've gained the 'adult' title? And are all kids really this mean? Let me know!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's A Contest!!!

The lovely Gena Showalter is holding a contest folks! Check it out.

From Gena's website: If you'd like a chance to win a signed advanced reading copy of one of my upcoming books -- yep, that means Darkest Secret or Darkest Surrender when they come in, or even a backlist book if you'd prefer -- then keep reading and I'll tell you how to enter!

 There are two ways to enter, and you can enter both ways to double your chance of winning.

The first: head to the "Ask or view questions" section (click here) of the new official fan site -- this site -- and help answer one of the questions. If your answer is chosen as the best, you're entered.

The second: post the "badge" somewhere online (click here for the badge page) then come back here and leave us a note in this blog thread. You'll be entered just like that.

This contest will run for a few weeks (I'll post here on the blog when things are about to close)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Review: The Darkest Passion

The Darkest Passion
Author: Gena Showalter
Release Date: May 25, 2010
Publisher: Harlequin Publishing
Lords of the Underworld Series Book #6
ISBN: #0373774559

From the author’s website:

For weeks, the immortal warrior Aeron has sensed an invisible female presence. An angel--a demon-assassin--has been sent to kill him. Or has she? Olivia claims she fell from the heavens, giving up immortality because she couldn't bear to harm him. But trusting - and falling for - Olivia will endanger them all. So how has this 'mortal' with the huge blue eyes already unleashed Aeron's darkest passion?

Now, with an enemy hot on his trail and his faithful demon companion determined to remove Olivia from his life, Aeron is trapped between duty and consuming desire. Worse still, a new executioner has been sent to do the job Olivia wouldn't...

Gossip Time:

Aeron... How I love thee! I have been anticipating Aeron's book since the first Lords of the Underworld story. And my wait was rewarded with such a wonderful story.

Aeron, has been tormented by his demon, Wrath, for centuries. Wrath gives Aeron the ability to “see” an individual’s sins which causes Aeron to exact the same punishment upon the sinner, and usually, worse. In the first Lords book, Cronus, the god king and ruler over the Lords, placed a curse upon Aeron which put him through a terrible bloodlust, and he almost went insane. Once the curse was lifted, Aeron was able to get himself back together and maintain some sanity with the calming influence of his "daughter" demon, Legion. That is until he meets darling Olivia, a true angel. She soothes Aeron and causes Wrath to purr. She gave up her heavenly existence and climbed out of hell to be with Aeron. She is naive, but brave - willing to give up everything just for a little fun and *ooh la la*.

Gena does a fantastic job weaving yet another tale of hot-passionate love.  Olivia will give anything to spend a few moments with Aeron, knowing that he is sentenced to die. When she realizes she truly loves him, she understands that she must let him go for the greater good. Conversely, Aeron is happy with his life and does not want Olivia in it. Until likewise, he learns to become a whole individual through loving someone else. This makes for some heighten emotional points and the sacrifices they each make to be together are heart-warming.

In addition, Gena gives us insight into Legion, a character that Aeron met in hell and adopted as his daughter. What Aeron doesn't realize is that Legion isn't a little girl. She is all female with certain hopes and desires. I really enjoyed watching the transformation of Legion and her relationship with Aeron.

The overall story arc of Lords vs Hunters slows a bit in this story and was more of a side plot in this book, which I enjoyed. We still learned a few things, but the Hunters took second fiddle to the development of the love between the two main characters.

I highly recommend this story to all LORD and Gena fans! It has the perfect mix of romance, action and humor. And if you have not read the Lords of the Underworld series - START NOW! but you really need to start with the first book, The Darkest Night, to get the most out of this book.
My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars!

Happy Birthday The Darkest Passion!

Today is the official release date of The Darkest Passion, Aeron's story in the Lords of the Underworld series. He is the keeper of the demon of Wrath, and here's a little about his book:
New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter returns with another sizzling installment of the Lords of the Underworld series, as Aeron, keeper of the Demon of Wrath, dares to taste the forbidden . . .

For weeks, the immortal warrior Aeron has sensed an invisible female presence. An angel--a demon-assassin--has been sent to kill him. Or has she? Olivia claims she fell from the heavens, giving up immortality because she couldn't bear to harm him. But trusting - and falling for - Olivia will endanger them all. So how has this 'mortal' with the huge blue eyes already unleashed Aeron's darkest passion?

Now, with an enemy hot on his trail and his faithful demon companion determined to remove Olivia from his life, Aeron is trapped between duty and consuming desire. Worse still, a new executioner has been sent to do the job Olivia wouldn't...

If you'd like a copy, here are the links:
Barnes and Noble
Books A Million

If you'd like to read an excerpt, go here.
If you'd like to read The Darkest Angel -- for free! -- where Olivia is first introduced, go here.

Contest: Help Gena Showalter spread the word! She'll be holding a contest for an advanced copy of the next book, The Darkest Lie, Gideon's story. Well, as arcs weren't made, she'll be giving away one of her author copies as soon as they come in, which is always before the book hits stores. So, if you post somewhere about Darkest Passion, go here and let her know and you'll be entered!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Three otherworldly tales from the master of paranormal romance . . . and a brand new Lords of the Underworld bonus guide!

The Darkest Fire
A Lords of the Underworld prequel

Geryon is the guardian of hell, more monster than man. Kadence is the goddess of Oppression, more angel than woman. Together they will enter the flames to battle a dangerous horde of demon lords -- and discover a passion unlike any other . . .

The Amazon's Curse
A tale of Atlantis

Zane, a fierce vampire warrior, has been enslaved by the Amazons. Nola, a lovely Amazon soldier, has been cursed with invisibility. Now, these two stubborn enemies must overcome the pasts that haunt them and embrace a love that can set them free...

The Darkest Prison
A Lords of the Underworld Tale

Once, Atlas, the Titan god of Strength, was the Greek goddess Nike's slave. Now, he is her master. And soon these sworn rivals destined to destroy each other will be forced to risk everything for a chance at love...

The Bonus Guide:

 Twenty(ish) Questions with Kresley Cole
  • Classified Files: From the Private Records of Dean Stefano
  • Behind the Scenes: Creating the Lords of the Underworld
  • At home with the Lords of the Underworld
  • Round table: the women of the underworld speak
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Sneak peek of The Darkest Passion
  • The Sacred Scrolls
  • Glossary of Characters and Terms

I just have to say... YUM-O! I started this book yesterday around lunch time and finished about 1:30 this morning. Into The Dark is so much better then I was expecting. What a way to bring the eBooks together with all that bonus material, Gena. Genius!
Because Im new to the whole Blog world I don't yet have a rating system. So lets just say "TWO THUMBS UP". If you are a LOTU fan such as myself then this book is a must-have.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ecstasy in Darkness Contest

"Is this cover amazing? I'm so happy to unveil the cover for Ecstasy in Darkness!!! I freaking LOVE it!" -Gena Showalter
And the contest to win a signed ARC of The Darkest Passion is still going strong. Enter Here!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

(Immortality Bites series) by Michelle Rowen

Paranormal Romance
Grand Central Publishing - Forever
Sensuality Rating: Sexy
ISBN# 978-0446505857
352 pages
Paperback—Available Now

Immortality Bites.

Sarah Dearly’s vampire life is not all B-positive cocktails. A curse made her a nightwalker, the most vicious vamp there is; the charm she wears to curb her deadly tendencies is losing its juice; and a hunter from hell is turning up the heat. Gideon Chase will kill the ones she loves most if she doesn’t obey his orders – that includes breaking up with master vampire Thierry and turning Gideon into an immortal vamp via her bite so he can escape a doom of eternal hellfire.

Making things worse are Sarah’s growing feelings for Gideon, a bad boy who keeps showing a vulnerable side…but is it for real? Will Sarah’s dark side take over? Or can she cure herself of the nightwalker curse in time to stop Gideon and finally get the chance to live happily ever after with Thierry…forever?


“Rowen’s series finale is a no-holds-barred culmination of everything that’s made the ride till now so much fun. Sarah’s crack-whip sarcasm is on full display, and Thierry is as broodingly sexy as ever. The juiciest bit is Sarah and Gideon’s relationship, a testament to how seductive the dark side can be and a bittersweet example of how our path is framed not by how good or bad we are, but by the choices we make. - Booklist

“4-1/2 Stars! Rowen’s sassy style of storytelling has allowed this plucky heroine to blossom while she takes readers on an amazing journey. Brava!” – RT BOOKreviews

“I can’t bear the thought of never seeing the characters again!…Great writing, great story, great characters. Five out of five isn’t a high enough rating for this book or series.”–Bitten by Books

“(Rowen) wows me with this story. It is fast-paced, like a roller coaster ride, and I hated for it to end…If you want entertainment at its best, Tall, Dark & Fangsome is the book to grab with a superb ending.” —Coffee Time Romance

“I absolutely adored Tall, Dark & Fangsome and did not want it to end. The writing is engaging, the characters are wonderful, and it was just so much fun to read this book. I have never read a Michelle Rowen book that I did not adore and rave about and there is a reason for that, she writes damn good books!” –Enchanted by Books
The Iron King
by Julie Kagawa

Meghan Chase has never fit in at her small-town high school, and now, on the eve of her 16th birthday, she discovers why. When her half brother is kidnapped, Meghan is drawn into a fantastical world she never imagined--the world of Faery, where anything you see may try to eat you, and Meghan is the daughter of the summer faery king. Now she will journey into the depths of Faery to face an unknown enemy . . . and beg the help of a winter prince who might as soon kill her as let her touch his icy heart. The Iron King is the first book in the Iron Fey series.

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