Friday, August 27, 2010

I've Turned A New Leaf

OK, so maybe I haven't actually 'turned' a new leaf yet. I'd say 'peaking' under a new leaf would better fit the bill.

I decided a long time ago that I needed to be more active when it comes to exercise. I've done things here and there and got into Zumba (which I love). But because my husband and I are taking measures to start a family of our own Zumba is a little bit too rigorous for me. So what's next that I can fit into my schedule?

I'm a Twitter/Facebook junkie. And for awhile now a couple of people have really started to inspire me with their daily routines, so it hits me. I can sleep deprive myself, get up before the ass-crack-of-dawn and walk the neighborhood. Yes folks, it's the exercise that's been around since before the creation of man-kind. But for me it's taking away those few precious moments of true bliss when my husband is off to work and I can spread out in the bed for some real r&r.

I'm hoping I can catch on to this early morning routine. Because if @whyisdaddycrying can do it then so...can...I. For those of you who think your posts really don't amount to a hill of beans then your wrong. Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. I just happen to get it from the people I follow. Plus the dog really enjoys it.

What inspires you? Let me know.


  1. You go girl! Do what you can! Zumba will wait for your return. :)

  2. Thank you sweetie! I appreciate it.


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