Saturday, September 11, 2010

Five Things - Take 2

Ok, so last Friday I posted my first 5 Things You Didn't Know About Me. Which is actually alot of fun considering I have to dig deep to figure out what to reveal and you get to read it.
Here are my five things for this Friday!

  1. Hello! My name is Jessica and I'm a Book-a-holic. Yes folks, I LOVE to read. There's nothing like cracking open a book and discovering the story within.

  2. I don't like cheesecake. Yuck!

  3. My perfect date night is take-out and a rented movie. Nothing beats cuddling on the couch with someone you love.

  4. Lately I've had an obsession with Vampires. (It's a girl thing) I love reading books that have to do with them.

  5. Sometimes I find it creepy when I look up and my dog is staring at me. What is she thinking? Does she like me? Do I have a booger? I guess I will never know.
Feel free to leave a comment/link with your 5 Things. I'd like to get to know you more.


  1. LoL I do the same thing with Darcy. She always looks like she wants to hurt me or something!
    I'm down for a good Vampire and a book. Oops I mean a good book with a Vampire. No..a good book about a Vampire! There! ;-)

    Date nights? Do those still exist?!?! Who knew!

  2. LMAO! Im down with a good Vampire and a good book as well! ;)


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