Friday, September 17, 2010

Five Things - Take 3

My good friend Veronica over at All Things Veronica has been doing these posts called “Five Things for Friday”. Each week you post 5 random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself and post your link on twitter (@jessa_lee82) and/or Facebook. I thought this was a neat idea on getting to know others so I decided to join in the fun. This is my third post!

See my five things for this Friday!
1. I am artistic, creative and love crafts. These are things I want to share with my children (once I have them that it).
2. Im terrified of heights but I will do just about anything for an adrenaline rush.
3. I don't have any tattoos. (But I secretly want one)
4. I can easily tell if someone has given me fake jewelry because I break out into a rash that lasts for days. Fake earrings? Forget it! My ears will bleed from my tiny ear-holes. I use to be able to wear silver but now it's strickly gold.
5. I taught myself how to french-braid hair when I was about 9-10 years old. I use to practice on my Barbie dolls hair.


  1. Look at you with your Five things post! Woohoo!
    I wish I could french braid! Teach me? ;)

  2. Psst your tattoo thing isn't such a secret now. ;)
    Yeah next time you want that adrenaline rush don't get me to do them with you. That superman swing thing we did was mad cuh-razy yo! LoL

  3. Mandy: Yup, it's my third 5 things. The more I do the harder it is to think of something to share.

    Veronica: OMG I would do it again and again and again! I want to bunjie jump off a bridge. That would be awesome. I aslo want to go sky diving but Shane won't let me. He says its taking it too far. But I would do it in a heartbeat.


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