Friday, September 24, 2010

Five Things - Take 4

Every Friday I post 5 Things You Didn't Know About Me. It's alot of fun and maybe a little disturbing but it's a way for my readers to get to know me. Here are my five things for this Friday!

1. I like to sing karaoke.

2. I get embarrassed when given compliments.

3. When I grow up I want to be a Teacher, Fashion Designer, Computer Tech geek, Architect, Super Model, Actress, Navy Seal and most importantly, a Mommy.

4. Most of my socks are white. (With a exceptions)

5. My dream vacations would be Scotland, Ireland, and Italy. A girl can dream, right?!


  1. Very cool post!!! Brace yourself...(Compliment coming) I think youre PRETTY FREAKIN AWESOME!!! So happy to have you in my Twitter Stream!! BTW..White socks..PERFECT!!! and ITALY ROCKS!! ;-)
    @FitInMyHeart ( Dr. Mo )

  2. Thank you very much. I appreciate the compliment. Have you been? Gah! I would LOVE to visit Italy.

  3. You need to keep this one going and get a hop/meme going with the idea! Would add nicely to the Friday Blog Stalk and Fawk you Friday ones out there!

  4. Thanks Marvimartin! I'm kinda sorta new at all this so any advice at all would be appreciated.


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