Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fawk You Friday!

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Fawk You Friday is brought to us by Boobies, Babies & a Blog and My Mad Mind

Fawk You Friday is a therapeutic way to whine, rant, complain, piss and moan about anything that's bothering you. Each Friday, link up with Boobies, Babies & a Blog to share your Fawk You complaints. I want to see you throw a finger in the air every Friday with me!
You know what absolutely grates against my ass? An office snitch. Lady, your triple my age. Why must you constantly go to my supervisor and tell her when me or anyone else in the office is having a conversation? Are you that lonely and pathetic that you must seek attention by making enemies? You would think that after years of working together you would realize that playing nice with others will benefit you vs. making you the office Nazi. You are responsible for other people getting into trouble yet always play the victim. And it's not like your work performance is top notch. Your so scatter-brained you never do the same thing the same way. If I wasn't afraid of being reprimanded than believe me I would have already delivered a throat punch to your jugular. So instead I'm posting a blog about it and I'm screaming a big FAWK YOU!!!
Family... I seriously wonder if I'm even related to half of them. I've worked since before I graduated high school. Everything I have I have worked my ass off to get. I appreciate my life and my possessions because of the sacrifices I've had to make to have a better life for myself and my husband. Who (my hubby) by the way works even harder then me to make sure we keep our nice comfy home over our heads. And for this reason certain family members seem to think I have money coming out of my ass and that they are obligated to it. Mind you, they don't work, don't try to work and don't bother paying me back half the time. What makes them entitled to MY hard earned money? I'm ready to say Fawk You and have nothing else to do with them. The least they could do is call me to wish me a Happy Birthday or to check to see if I'm still breathing. But NOOOO... I only get a phone call when money is involved. So from now on my answer is NO and FAWK YOU!
This is my first Fawk You Friday post and I hope I didn't disappoint. And honestly, it IS therapeutic. I think I'll enjoy Friday posts from now on.

And a special shout out to Marvi Marti. We don't know each other very well but since I've discovered her blog I've been inspired to write more of my own. So THANK YOU Marti!


  1. BRAVO!!! I knew you'd enjoy this!

  2. You have done a stupendous job with your first Fawk You post. I will be especially ecstatic to have you link up with us every Friday.

    Money is something that can cause serious issues between friends and family. And I have had to work with office snitches. They need to get a life.

    I can't wait to see what you have for next week.

  3. Thank you Marti. I almost didn't publish it because I was afraid of offending people but then I said "Fawk It" and posted anyways. This blog is about me and mine so if others are offended then they don't have to read it. Just sayin...

  4. Hello Christy! It's nice to meet you. Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm still kinda sorta new to it all and I have a lot to learn. I was checking your blog out last night. :) Loved it.

    Money + Family/Friends can = DISASTER. It's not a good combination. Especially when I always feel guilty so I usually give it. I'm a softy like that. But I'm to my limit and ready to explode. I think its best they keep their distance till after the holidays. Although I have no high hopes of that happening.

  5. Marti is fantastic for sure!

    So glad to have you aboard...I'm your newest blog stalker now! YAY!

    I love the term 'grates my ass.' Not sure why..but it appeals to me.

    Sounds like you're the reverse black sheep of your family.

    I'll give you a piece of advice..from one blogger to I struggled with this initially...this is YOUR what feels best for YOU...this will attract like minded people and you'll be happier at the end of the day. Stay true to you.

    Looking forward to reading you! XOXO

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thank you so much for the advice Boobies. I really do appreciate it. Since I started my blog I've struggled with what I should and shouldn't post and always wind up feeling like I'm leaving myself behind. So I plan on stepping it up and writing what I want. I started this blog for me. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

  8. Okay so I have family like yours.. Facking greedy bastards!! I have had to put my foot down and say NO and while it's hard, it puts YOU in a better place. =)

    As for the workplace snitch, don't you just want to STABLE THEIR FREAKING MOUTHS SHUT!??!?! i mean, uhhh. HAHAHA! Sorry.

    Have a fab weekend!!!

  9. Thanks Alex. I hope you've had a great weekend as well. Thanks for commenting.


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