Monday, November 8, 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts

Hosted by: The UnMom

Put your random thoughts in a blog post, click the above box and link up with the rest of the random thinkers.

I don't find pleasure in watching stupid movies that my hubby finds hilarious. But I watch them anyways for him. That's love I tell ya.

Carry Underwood! I wanna kick your ass! Your song has been in my head for two days now. It's time to stop. Thank you.

I'm just gonna put it out there, Gerard Butler is so friggin hawt! YUM! (That one was for the ladies.)

I don't like cooked broccoli. I wish my hubby would stop trying to force it down my throat. I'm not 2 yrs old.

I keep thinking about Thanksgiving. I really hope it's not busy this year. I would like to start enjoying my Holidays rather than run around like a chicken with my head cut off.

I'm tired of looking at my living room. I wanna change it, again. Wonder if the hubby will get mad? Oh well. I'm a girl. I'm allowed to do these things.

My husband just asked me to throw him a punch to the ball-bag. Not in so many words but still... I'm pretty sure that's what I heard. More about that on my Fawk You Friday post so stayed tuned.


  1. Got here from Unmom and instantly like your blog b/c anyone who posts hot guys is tops in my book. :)

  2. Heh, that is love when you watch stupid movies your hubby finds hilarious.

    Gerard Butler IS hawt! Thanks for allowing me to drool on your page...

    It is a woman's prerogative to change things, so go for it!

    Now I'm intrigued by your potential Fawk you Friday fodder...I'll have to come back and check it out! ;)

    RTT Follow: Dentist, Toys, Megamind

  3. I only eat cooked broccoli. I'm not good with raw, it sticks to my teeth.

  4. Can I say I TOTALLY LOVE YOU for posting that pic of Gerard? Yuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm! Thank you thank you thank you!

    Visiting from RTT! See mine HERE. :)

  5. Hi ladies! Thanks so much for the blog love. I appreciate it. And Gerard... I'm willing to share so long as allstarme shares Tyson Paige.

  6. Hi! Following from RTT! How hot is that pic....rawr!

    Kristin :)
    Keenly Kristin


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