Saturday, November 6, 2010

Saturday 6

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Each week, you will answer six random questions and link up! This Saturday Six's theme is birthdays, so lets begin!


1. Do you still celebrate your birthday?
2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
3. Craziest thing you've ever done for your birthday?
4. What's your sign?
5. Best present you've ever gotten on your special day?
6. Worst gift?
~My Answers~

1. Do you still celebrate your birthday?
My birthday was in October. And yes I do. My hubby never lets me forget it.

2. What's your favorite kind of cake?
I'm not a huge cake eater but I do think Dairy Queen's ice cream cake with the chocolate crunchies in the middle are yum-yum. Last year a friend of mine baked me a pink cake with pink icing and I love that too.

3. Craziest thing you've ever done for your birthday?
Craziest??? Why is nothing coming to mind? Other then that one time when I went to the bar and got so drunk I don't remember leaving? Hmmm... I don't get too crazy.

4. What's your sign?
Libra. I'm very level-headed.

5. Best present you've ever gotten on your special day?
All my presents have been wonderful. But one really sticks out to me. I was 16 and the only gift I received was a ring from my now husband. It was my sweet 16 and I was so upset that I was forgotten but then he showed up and made it all better. Besides my wedding band set, it's the most sentimental piece of jewelry that I own.

6. Worst gift?
I would have to say... Probably fake jewelry. I always accept it because politeness is very important but I'm VERY allergic to it. I can't wear it for very long without itching, burning and rashes breaking out over my skin. It's like I'm a vampire doused with Holy Water.

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