Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You

Thank You… It’s a word that expresses appreciation, kindness, and manners. It’s a word I seldom hear used now days.

I was taught to be grateful for what you have, value your belongings, and show appreciation to others. So I’ve always used the words Thank You. When someone opens a door for me, “Thank You” is my response. When someone hands me food through the drive thru window, “Thank You” with a smile is my reply. When my husband takes me out to dinner, “Thank You” is what I say to let him know that I hold value in his kindness.

What has happened to today’s people?

I see so many people who take and not give. Who walk around with sour faces and expects the world to cater to them. I see people who act like everything is owed to them and they don’t have to give anything back.

It's sad.

Sad because I feel like so many people have lost the ability to be kind to others. So the next time someone does something for you, say Thank You. No matter how small the act.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a firm believer of the word Thank you. Thank you can go along way.

    Btw Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering the Barnes & Nobles Giveaway.


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